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Bucharest, Recul Theater
Images captured at the avant-premiere of Nikolai Robertovich Erdman's play The Suicide.
Podsekalnikov Semion Semionovich - Andreea Rogoveanu
Maria Lukianovna (his wife)/ Door #222 - Andra-Maria Brebu
Serafima Ilinicina (his mother-in-law)/ Nightside #6.9 - Teodora Vasu
Aleksandr Petrovich Kalabushkin/Pat #1/3 - Alex Surulescu
Margan Ivan/Ceas #437 - Aurelian Dorin Terțiu
Aristarh Dominikovich Grand-Scoubique/Window #13 - Maria-Claudia Vasile
Egoruska (Egor Timofevici)/Samovar #11 - Tudor Ostafie
Nikifor Arsentievich Pugetikov/Fotoliu #27- Daria Brojban
Viktor Viktorovich/Lampa #3 - Cătălin Gheorghe
Father Elpidi/Covor #211 - Alex Cruceru
Kleopatra Maksimovna/Chair #87 - Oana Maria Tudoran
Raisa Filippovna/ Mirror #73 - Alexia Galeș
Gravedigger/Chelner/Tuba #1 - Roerta Roman
Gravedigger/Helper #3122/ Viktor Viktorovich - Ștefan Cudalb
Creative team:
Directorial concept - Mike Săvuică
Assistant Directors - Mihaela Albu, Tudor Ostafie
Set and Costume Design - Cilem Turkoz
Poster - Răducu Popa